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Climbing to the top: A look back at Stahleck 2010

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Climbing to the top: A look back at Stahleck 2010 Empty Climbing to the top: A look back at Stahleck 2010

Message par Marius O'Bannion Ven 22 Oct 2010 - 19:49

I made wrote a small impression on the Stahleck 2010 event. With photos thanks to Stavros Gessis.

You can find it here! farao
Marius O'Bannion
Marius O'Bannion
Assistant de laboratoire soupçonneux

Nombre de messages : 98
Age : 48
Localisation : Les Pays-Bas
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2009

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Climbing to the top: A look back at Stahleck 2010 Empty Re: Climbing to the top: A look back at Stahleck 2010

Message par Prodigee Mar 26 Oct 2010 - 16:51

Thank you, Marius. I can't wait to shake your hand in Liège.
Grand Ancien

Nombre de messages : 5043
Age : 43
Localisation : Poitiers
Date d'inscription : 27/09/2006

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