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Message par faelreklaw Sam 29 Mar 2014 - 4:08

Hi my name is Peter and i saw about Call of cthulu the card game in youtube.
As i am unemployed i try to find other ways to do my hobby and i found Lackey just yesterday, so its my first time both with lackey and with COC.
If anyone wants to play with a newbie like me pls tell me any help much appreciate.

Ps. i dont speak french i am greek so sry if i dont understand much from this site i use google tranlator   Sad 
i hope i dont break accidentaly any rules.
J'ai vu de la lumière, et je suis rentré

Nombre de messages : 3
Age : 36
Localisation : athens
Date d'inscription : 29/03/2014

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New player Empty Re: New player

Message par dadajef Sam 29 Mar 2014 - 9:16


No problems you can write in english. The game is no more translated in french, so a lot of players play in english.

For Lackey on this post : https://cenacle-hd.1fr1.net/t2427-les-disponibilites-des-joueurs-lackey-octgn-online you could find some players, may be.
Champion d'Europe par Equipe 2009

Nombre de messages : 2571
Age : 47
Localisation : Issy-les-moules (92)
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2008


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Message par faelreklaw Sam 29 Mar 2014 - 14:54

dadajef a écrit:Welcome.

No problems you can write in english. The game is no more translated in french, so a lot of players play in english.

For Lackey on this post : https://cenacle-hd.1fr1.net/t2427-les-disponibilites-des-joueurs-lackey-octgn-online you could find some players, may be.

Ok thank you very much for showing me around i will check it right away
J'ai vu de la lumière, et je suis rentré

Nombre de messages : 3
Age : 36
Localisation : athens
Date d'inscription : 29/03/2014

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