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Hello Empty Hello

Message par vash8869 Dim 24 Mar 2013 - 15:07

Hi, I just purchesed the base game and I am somewhat confused on how to play and make a deck. Found this site from a tutorial video on youtube. I would love to play with someone over Lacky so i can learn the game. I'm a big Arkham horror fan and I just started branching out into other Mythos games.
J'ai vu de la lumière, et je suis rentré

Nombre de messages : 4
Age : 41
Localisation : US
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2013

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

Message par kriss Lun 25 Mar 2013 - 9:36

Hello Vash

i don't play through lackey since age (cause not enough free time !), but i suggest you to add some friends of me in skype:
keasanya and coclcg (they are very often connected on skype and available to play).
So you could either play and speak (very useful and confortable to have a nice game Smile )

I made some adjustement to lackey, you need to check the version : this is current version lot of players had installed => https://cenacle-hd.1fr1.net/t2465-tutoriellackey-ccg-lcg (the main point is to use this update link => http://dl.dropbox.com/u/327207/CtuhlhuCcgLcg/updatelist.txt, see the tuto with picture to help)

you can also take a look on this thread to add other players : https://cenacle-hd.1fr1.net/t2427-les-disponibilites-des-joueurs-lackey-octgn-online

i changed a bit an other plugin (for octgn), but there isn't save option and it's not compatible with mac (but you gain more ergonomy!)
Interné par erreur à l'asile d'Arkham

Nombre de messages : 1037
Age : 46
Localisation : 06 cannes
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2008

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

Message par vash8869 Lun 25 Mar 2013 - 15:43

Thank you kriss, I added my skype name on the other forum. I belive I have that version installed. Still trying to figure out Lacky Very Happy. Seems that not many people in the US play this game which is sad this seems like a very interesting game.
J'ai vu de la lumière, et je suis rentré

Nombre de messages : 4
Age : 41
Localisation : US
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2013

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

Message par FredhoT Lun 25 Mar 2013 - 17:30

Welcome aboard.

Let's hope madness will not invade your brain too quickly...

For lackey, the key is to try a few games alone. Or indeed, as you ask, to have a tutor with skype.

On youtube, you have a tuto of one of my lackey games with Steve (Booored on this forum). My english is somewhat broken, but an aussie understood me, so it should be at least functional.
Interné par erreur à l'asile d'Arkham

Nombre de messages : 1871
Age : 54
Localisation : Belgique (Liège)
Date d'inscription : 08/03/2009

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

Message par vash8869 Lun 25 Mar 2013 - 17:48

Thanks Fredhot. Yes that is the video that I watched. I learn best through experience. So I'm hopeing to find some players on lacky. Very Happy But sadly the madness has already consumed me through Arkham Horror. lol Hopefully we can play a game sometime.
J'ai vu de la lumière, et je suis rentré

Nombre de messages : 4
Age : 41
Localisation : US
Date d'inscription : 24/03/2013

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

Message par plasticXO Jeu 11 Avr 2013 - 11:15

Welcome here !

It's been ages since I've played online, but I would need to practice more these days with the French nationals coming Embarassed
Artiste torturé isolé à Dunwich

Nombre de messages : 252
Age : 50
Localisation : Lille
Date d'inscription : 21/05/2012

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

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