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[ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards

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Message par Mousssine Mer 3 Sep 2014 - 21:19

Salut les cultistes!

Je recherche différentes altercards histoire d'avoir une petite collection sympa, du coup si vous en avez en trop cela m'intéresse!

Je suis prêt à vous les acheter si vous restez raisonnable sur les prix, ou pratiquer de l'échange, pour cela je vous propose:

"The Night"  (Store 2014)
"Daybreak" (GNK 2014 season 1)
"Tatoo Artist" (Regional 2014)

Je recherche:

"The Seventy Steps" (Promo Card 2013)
"Cthulhu" (GNK 2013 saison 1)
"Glaaki" (GNK 2013 saison 2)
"Y'Golonac" (GNK 2013 saison 3)
"Johnny Valone" (GNK 2014 season 1)
"Snow Graves" (Summer Kit 2014)
"Victoria Glasser" (Winter Kit 2014)
"Terrors in the Dark" (Winter Kit 2014)

Je recherche aussi un sachet de tokens de dommage en acrylique (GNK 2013 saison 1)

Merci de me contacter en MP si intéressé!!

Dernière édition par Mousssine le Mar 16 Sep 2014 - 8:30, édité 1 fois
Erudit dans l'Occulte

Nombre de messages : 379
Age : 44
Localisation : Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Message par Jhaelen Jeu 4 Sep 2014 - 8:16

I would be interested in 'The Night'. How many copies do you have?
I just have to check which cards I have available for trading...
Reporter intrigué à l'Arkham Herald

Nombre de messages : 176
Age : 52
Localisation : Germany
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2010

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Message par Mousssine Jeu 4 Sep 2014 - 9:59

Jhaelen a écrit:I would be interested in 'The Night'. How many copies do you have?
I just have to check which cards I have available for trading...
Actually I've got 9 copies of "The Night" to trade!
When you know, tell me how many do you want and wich cards do you have to trade...
Erudit dans l'Occulte

Nombre de messages : 379
Age : 44
Localisation : Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Message par Jhaelen Jeu 4 Sep 2014 - 18:37

I would be interested in up to 6. Of the cards you haven't mentioned, I have Eldritch Nexus and Snow Graves available for trade.
Reporter intrigué à l'Arkham Herald

Nombre de messages : 176
Age : 52
Localisation : Germany
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2010

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Message par Mousssine Jeu 4 Sep 2014 - 21:47

Jhaelen a écrit:I would be interested in up to 6. Of the cards you haven't mentioned, I have Eldritch Nexus and Snow Graves available for trade.
OK cool, I'm interested in 2 Eldritch Nexus (I already have one) and 3 snow graves... Is it OK for you?

Don't you have another altercard to trade to make a 6 against 6 cards exchange?
Erudit dans l'Occulte

Nombre de messages : 379
Age : 44
Localisation : Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Message par Jhaelen Ven 5 Sep 2014 - 12:10

Unfortunately, I don't have any other CoC Alternate Art cards, that I'd be willing to trade.

But perhaps you would be interested in a set of Domain Cards (two sided: Cthulhu/Dark Young) in exchange for the 6th card?

Or would you be interested in Alternate Art cards for any of the other LCGs?

If not, then trading just five cards would be fine, as well.
Reporter intrigué à l'Arkham Herald

Nombre de messages : 176
Age : 52
Localisation : Germany
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2010

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Message par Budmilka Ven 5 Sep 2014 - 13:19

Jhaelen a écrit:Or would you be interested in Alternate Art cards for any of the other LCGs?
What do you have ?
Assistant de laboratoire soupçonneux

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 40
Localisation : Créteil
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2014

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Message par Mousssine Ven 5 Sep 2014 - 13:43

Budmilka a écrit:
Jhaelen a écrit:Or would you be interested in Alternate Art cards for any of the other LCGs?
What do you have ?
Go away Bud!
I'm interested un Star Wars LCG alter cards too... Looking for Darth Vader, Jedi mind trick, Force shock and those from summer anf winter kit.. Do you have these?!

Dernière édition par Mousssine le Sam 6 Sep 2014 - 10:59, édité 2 fois
Erudit dans l'Occulte

Nombre de messages : 379
Age : 44
Localisation : Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Message par Budmilka Ven 5 Sep 2014 - 17:37

I'm not going anywhere. You have tentacles, I have Tommy Gun, so YOU get out ^^
I'm interested in any LCG, including StarWars to bother Mouss' ! Cool
Assistant de laboratoire soupçonneux

Nombre de messages : 93
Age : 40
Localisation : Créteil
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2014

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[ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards Empty Re: [ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards

Message par Jhaelen Sam 6 Sep 2014 - 16:51

Mousssine a écrit:OK cool, I'm interested in 2 Eldritch Nexus (I already have one) and 3 snow graves... Is it OK for you?
Hmpf, unfortunately, I have to revise that Sad
The package with the Snow Grave cards arrived yesterday, but there are only two copies of it in the kit, while there are plenty of copies of 'Cthuloid Spawn'. I thought it would be the other way around - sorry about that.

So, I could offer Eldritch Nexus and Cthuloid Spawn.

Regarding Star Wars, I only recall having Vader's Tie Advanced (Aurebesh) - have to check if I got anything else...
Reporter intrigué à l'Arkham Herald

Nombre de messages : 176
Age : 52
Localisation : Germany
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2010

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Message par Mousssine Sam 6 Sep 2014 - 17:57

Is it possible to have 3 cthuloid spawn, 2 eldrich nexus and 1 snow grave ? !
Erudit dans l'Occulte

Nombre de messages : 379
Age : 44
Localisation : Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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Message par Jhaelen Dim 7 Sep 2014 - 8:56

Mousssine a écrit:Is it possible to have 3 cthuloid spawn, 2 eldrich nexus and 1 snow grave ? !
Ah, no sorry, I'm already sharing the set with another player, so I cannot trade away a copy of Snow Graves. But trading only five cards would be fine for me.

Here's the list of stuff I have to trade:
3+ Eldritch Nexus
3+ Daybreak
3+ Research Assistant
3+ Clover Club Torch Singer
3+ Cthuloid Spawn
1 Set Acrylic Clue Tokens

3+ Wildfire Assault
3+ Ser Davos Seaworth
3+ Castellan of the Rock
3+ Mance Rayder
1 x Crossing the Ruby Ford
Regionals 2013 House Cards

3+ Aesop’s Pawnshop
3+ Wyldside
3+ Adonis Campaign
1 x Sorched Earth
2 x Melange Mining Corp.
Reporter intrigué à l'Arkham Herald

Nombre de messages : 176
Age : 52
Localisation : Germany
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2010

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[ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards Empty Re: [ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards

Message par Mousssine Dim 7 Sep 2014 - 9:33

Jhaelen a écrit:Ah, no sorry, I'm already sharing the set with another player, so I cannot trade away a copy of Snow Graves.
I understand no problem, I'm interested in your set of Acrylic Clue Tokens, do you think it's possible?
Erudit dans l'Occulte

Nombre de messages : 379
Age : 44
Localisation : Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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[ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards Empty Re: [ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards

Message par Zanka Mer 10 Sep 2014 - 15:32

Si tu as des Clover Club Torch Singer en trop, tu me tiens au jus Mouss Diouf !
Touriste perdu à Dunwich

Nombre de messages : 35
Age : 46
Localisation : Ivry
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2014

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[ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards Empty Re: [ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards

Message par Jhaelen Jeu 11 Sep 2014 - 9:14

Mousssine a écrit:
Jhaelen a écrit:Ah, no sorry, I'm already sharing the set with another player, so I cannot trade away a copy of Snow Graves.
I understand no problem, I'm interested in your set of Acrylic Clue Tokens, do you think it's possible?
Alright, it's a deal Smile Let's exchange addresses by PM!
Reporter intrigué à l'Arkham Herald

Nombre de messages : 176
Age : 52
Localisation : Germany
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2010

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Message par Mousssine Jeu 11 Sep 2014 - 19:42

Zanka a écrit:Si tu as des Clover Club Torch Singer en trop, tu me tiens au jus Mouss Diouf !
Arf désolé mon petit Zanky, mais je n'en ai que trois... Du coup je les gardent pour les jouer peut-être un jour!
Erudit dans l'Occulte

Nombre de messages : 379
Age : 44
Localisation : Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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[ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards Empty Re: [ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards

Message par Mousssine Mar 16 Sep 2014 - 8:31

[ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards 89167 MàJ du message d'origine! [ACHAT - ÉCHANGE] Altercards 89167
Erudit dans l'Occulte

Nombre de messages : 379
Age : 44
Localisation : Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2012

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