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[Stahleck 2010] European LCG Championship 8-10 octobre 2010

Mr Patate
16 participants

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[Stahleck 2010] European LCG Championship 8-10 octobre 2010 - Page 3 Empty Re: [Stahleck 2010] European LCG Championship 8-10 octobre 2010

Message par arcanis Mer 13 Oct 2010 - 16:09

Pour infos j'ai posté mon deck.
Vice-Champion d'Europe 2010
Vice-Champion d'Europe 2010

Nombre de messages : 83
Age : 41
Localisation : Liège
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2010

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[Stahleck 2010] European LCG Championship 8-10 octobre 2010 - Page 3 Empty Re: [Stahleck 2010] European LCG Championship 8-10 octobre 2010

Message par Jhaelen Jeu 14 Oct 2010 - 23:27

Thanks for your timely report, Fred! It makes for an interesting read and is a nice addition to the two reports from Francesco and Michele.
FredhoT a écrit:
6) Wolfgang Penetsdorfer - Autriche (10) - Shub
10) Michael Ruth - Allemagne (5) - Shub "mi-go"
14) Gijs De Boer - Hollande (0) - Shub
(Stav, peux-tu confirmer les decks, je l'ai fait de tête)
I'm sure Stavros will soon post more information about the decks played, but I can already add some information about the players I encountered:

IIRC, Wolfgang's deck was similar to my previous first choice for the Championship deck. It was a mix of Hastur and Shub. I think there was even a third faction involved (Yog?). It contained a lot of different cards, since Wolfgang didn't have multiple copies of many.

Gijs De Boer was playing Agency/Shub both in Championship and Highlander.

Myself, I had started preparing four different decks, but due to running out of time, only two were playable when the tournaments started. I ended up using an Agency/Miskatonic deck focussing on investigation in both the Multi-player and Championship tournaments.

The other deck I had ready was Hastur/Shub and focused on insanity and monster characters. I had decided against using it after playtesting against Christian's Agency/Hastur deck (which was very similar to the GenCon winning deck, except it lacked the Seventy Stairs). I also realized during the Nation's Cup that it didn't really matter which deck I played, since it seemed that with my limited experience I didn't stand a chance against such excellent players.

The two other deck ideas which weren't quite ready were Syndicate/Yog, focusing on skill reduction and cultists, and Cthulhu/Miskatonic deck with a Night/Dreamer theme.

As yo can see I was trying to include every faction in one way or another without mirroring the well-known Agency/Hastur combination. Unfortunately there were several ideas I had to dismiss because I was lacking multiple copies of many key cards (I only have one of each APs).
Reporter intrigué à l'Arkham Herald

Nombre de messages : 176
Age : 52
Localisation : Germany
Date d'inscription : 13/10/2010

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[Stahleck 2010] European LCG Championship 8-10 octobre 2010 - Page 3 Empty Re: [Stahleck 2010] European LCG Championship 8-10 octobre 2010

Message par Tolodine Ven 15 Oct 2010 - 6:36

Bravo à tous!

J'aurais aimé en être... mais comme le disait Prod, la vie avant et sur le coup, il y a des priorités...
Sinon, j'ai la surprise de trouver un nom connu dans les italiens, Michele Sommi. Il s'est bien défendu, apparemment.
Détective privé paumé

Nombre de messages : 621
Age : 42
Localisation : Belgique (Liège)
Date d'inscription : 25/06/2009

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[Stahleck 2010] European LCG Championship 8-10 octobre 2010 - Page 3 Empty Re: [Stahleck 2010] European LCG Championship 8-10 octobre 2010

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