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single path vs cats

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single path vs cats Empty single path vs cats

Message par B_P Sam 9 Avr 2011 - 8:57

No. A Single Path restricts what you as a player are allowed to
choose. Bringing the Cats in does not remove that choice restriction.
Since you only have one story you are allowed to choose to commit to,
you must choose that story to commit the cats to.

> Rule Question:
> Hi!
> During the story phase, my opponent plays the event "a single path"
> A Single Path
> [Cthulhu] The Horror Beneath the Surface F30 / Illustrator: Rom
> [Event] -
> Cost : 1
> Game Text: Play during the story phase before any characters are
> committed to stories. Action: Each player can only commit characters
> to a single story this phase.
> Can I commit characters to a story and, then, in the action's phase
> after, play the action of the cats of ulthar and commit it to anothr
> story?
> The Cats of Ulthar
> [Neutral] Journey to Unknown Kadath F116 / Illustrator: Raya Golden
> [Character] - Creature.
> Cost : 3 / Skill : 2 / Icons: CC
> Game Text: Fast. Action: During the Story phase, pay 3 to put The
> Cats of Ulthar into play from your hand, committed to a story of
> your choice. Action: Pay 1 to destroy 1 Zoog card in play. Then,
> return The Cats of Ulthar to your hand.
> Thanks!
Champion d'Europe 2012
Champion d'Europe 2012

Nombre de messages : 1481
Age : 40
Localisation : Liège
Date d'inscription : 23/02/2009

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