Le Cénacle Chthonien
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Je Recherche Eldricht Edition

2 participants

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Je Recherche Eldricht Edition Empty Je Recherche Eldricht Edition

Message par ArticMan Ven 26 Déc 2008 - 15:18

3x EE P1 Priest of the Desert Moon
3x EE P2 The Cairo Connection
2x EE P3 Shadow over Cairo
2x EE P4 Tentacular Spectacular
2x EE P5 Evil Awakens!
1x EE P6 Mountains of Madness
3x EE P7 •Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Scribe of the Unspeakable
3x EE P8 •The Unfortunate Cat Klaus, Forsaken Feline
3x EE P10 The Opening of Every Gate
2x EE P12 •Nophru-Ka, The Forgotten Pharaoh
2x EE P13 •Mr. Six, The Dweller in the Caverns
2x EE P14 Profane Messenger
2x EE P15 Atrophy
1x EE R1 •Norman Blackwood, Jr., Scholarly Detective
1x EE R2 •Kirby O'Donnell, Adventurer Abroad
1x EE R5 Cairo Mercenary
1x EE R10 Mystery Agent
2x EE R14 Rite of Passage
1x EE R17 Erased from History
1x EE R24 An Intriguing Offer
2x EE R25 Armored Car
1x EE R27 Evidence Room
2x EE R31 •Dr. Ali Kafour, Middle Eastern Scholar
2x EE R32 •Professor Albert Wilmarth, Folklore Expert
1x EE R35 Anthropology Advisor
1x EE R41 Professor of Archeology
1x EE R44 Secrets of Bubastis
1x EE R60 Mosque of Ibn Tulun
1x EE R61 •Danny O'Bannion, Arkham Businessman
2x EE R62 •Dr. Marinus Bicknell Willett, Lost but Determined
1x EE R70 Hatchetman
1x EE R73 Stool Pigeon
2x EE R81 Telling no Tales
1x EE R84 Radio Network
1x EE R87 Hush Money
1x EE R91 •Cthulhu, Dead but Dreaming
1x EE R95 Innsmouth Shoggoth
1x EE R99 Shadow-spawned Hunting Horror
1x EE R111 Sky Torn Asunder
1x EE R114 An Unspoken Agreement
1x EE R118 Private Treatment Center
2x EE R119 St Toad's Church
1x EE R121 •Hastur, He Who Shall Not Be Named
1x EE R123 •Victoria Glasser, The Society Hostess
1x EE R127 Messenger from Beyond
2x EE R131 Predatory Byakhee
1x EE R137 Enshrouded Sun
2x EE R141 Scotophobia
1x EE R144 The Bond of Madness
1x EE R146 An Unbreakable Oath
1x EE R150 Old City Bazaar
1x EE R153 •Yog-Sothoth, The Opener of the Way
1x EE R159 Hermetic Scholar
1x EE R163 Living Mummy
1x EE R164 Born in the Spheres
2x EE R166 Balance of Thoth
1x EE R170 Screaming of the Spheres
2x EE R173 •De Vermis Mysteriis, Von Prinn's Grimoire
1x EE R180 Winlock's Dig
1x EE R181 •Shub-Niggurath, She with a Thousand Young
1x EE R193 Tomb-Herd
2x EE R194 Veneration of Apis
1x EE R196 Buzzing of Locusts
1x EE R202 The Mother's Fury
1x EE R204 Strange Sisterhood
1x EE R205 Ancient Necropolis
1x EE R208 Ezbekiyeh Gardens
1x EE R211 •Father of Bats, The Horror that Flies
2x EE R212 •The Bloated Woman, Keeper of Secrets
1x EE R214 •The Black Man, Granter of Wishes
2x EE R224 Deal with the Devil
1x EE R233 Revealed of Ra
1x EE R237 The Eye of Light and Darkness
1x EE R238 The Shriek of Cities
Champion de France 2008

Nombre de messages : 1650
Age : 53
Localisation : POITIERS
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2007

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Je Recherche Eldricht Edition Empty Re: Je Recherche Eldricht Edition

Message par Herbert Dim 28 Déc 2008 - 11:39

Concernant ce post et les autres cartes que tu recherches, tu ne souhaites que des cartes en anglais ou du français peut également convenir ?
Reporter intrigué à l'Arkham Herald

Nombre de messages : 152
Age : 53
Localisation : Belgique
Date d'inscription : 12/09/2008

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Je Recherche Eldricht Edition Empty Re: Je Recherche Eldricht Edition

Message par ArticMan Dim 28 Déc 2008 - 16:31

Non au contraire, du français de préférence quand c'est possible mais avec le deckbuilder c'est plus pratique de mettre les titres anglais.
Champion de France 2008

Nombre de messages : 1650
Age : 53
Localisation : POITIERS
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2007

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Je Recherche Eldricht Edition Empty Re: Je Recherche Eldricht Edition

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